Tuesday, 25 September 2012

T-SQL How to apply recursive queries for organizational charts?

Execute the following Microsoft SQL Server T-SQL recursive scripts in Management Studio Query Editor to get the "immediate supervisor" organizational chart of AdventureWorks Cycles and the number of subordinates at each level.
-- SQL recursive Common Table Expression - CTE - tree processing, tree parsing
-- MSSQL organizational chart - orgchart - direct report - chain of command
USE AdventureWorks;
WITH cteSupervisor(ManagerID,EmployeeID,EmployeeLevel)
     AS (SELECT ManagerID,
                EmployeeLevel = 0
         FROM   HumanResources.Employee
         WHERE  ManagerID IS NULL
         UNION ALL
         SELECT e.ManagerID,
                EmployeeLevel + 1
         FROM   HumanResources.Employee e
                INNER JOIN cteSupervisor d
                  ON e.ManagerID = d.EmployeeID)
SELECT Manager = CO.LastName + ', ' + CO.FirstName,
       Employee = C.LastName + ', ' + C.FirstName,
FROM   cteSupervisor DR
      INNER JOIN HumanResources.Employee E
         ON DR.EmployeeID = E.EmployeeID
      INNER JOIN Person.Contact C
         ON E.ContactID = C.ContactID
      LEFT JOIN HumanResources.Employee EM
         ON DR.ManagerID = EM.EmployeeID
      LEFT JOIN Person.Contact CO
         ON EM.ContactID = CO.ContactID
-- Results
Manager Employee EmployeeLevel
NULL Sánchez, Ken 0
Sánchez, Ken Bradley, David 1
Sánchez, Ken Duffy, Terri 1
Sánchez, Ken Trenary, Jean 1
Sánchez, Ken Norman, Laura 1
Sánchez, Ken Hamilton, James 1
Sánchez, Ken Welcker, Brian 1
Welcker, Brian Jiang, Stephen 2
Welcker, Brian Alberts, Amy 2
Welcker, Brian Abbas, Syed 2
Abbas, Syed Tsoflias, Lynn 3
Alberts, Amy Pak, Jae 3
Alberts, Amy Varkey Chudukatil, Ranjit 3
Alberts, Amy Valdez, Rachel 3

-- T-SQL count descendants at each level - count subordinates in organization
-- Parent-child hierarchy - count children by level
DECLARE  @EmployeeID INT,  @Supervisor NVARCHAR(50)

SELECT EmployeeID, FullName = FirstName + ' ' + LastName
FROM   AdventureWorks.HumanResources.Employee e
       INNER JOIN AdventureWorks.Person.Contact pc
         ON pc.ContactID = e.ContactID

DECLARE  @Descendant  TABLE(
                            EmployeeID        INT,
                            FullName          NVARCHAR(50),
                            [Level]           INT    NULL,
                            [DescendantCount] INT    NULL
OPEN curEmployee
INTO @EmployeeID, @Supervisor

    WITH cteSubTree
         AS (SELECT EmployeeID, 0 AS [Level]
             FROM   AdventureWorks.HumanResources.Employee e
             WHERE  EmployeeID = @EmployeeID -- root
             UNION ALL
             SELECT e.EmployeeID, [Level] + 1 -- recursive term
             FROM   cteSubTree c
                    INNER JOIN AdventureWorks.HumanResources.Employee e
                      ON c.EmployeeID = e.ManagerID)
    INSERT INTO @Descendant
    SELECT   @EmployeeID,
             COUNT(* )  
    FROM     cteSubTree
    GROUP BY [Level]
    FETCH NEXT FROM curEmployee
    INTO @EmployeeID,  @Supervisor

SELECT   FullName,
FROM     @Descendant t
         INNER JOIN (SELECT   EmployeeID
                     FROM     @Descendant
                     GROUP BY EmployeeID
                     HAVING   count(* ) > 1) g
           ON t.EmployeeID = g.EmployeeID
ORDER BY t.EmployeeID, [Level]
CLOSE curEmployee
DEALLOCATE curEmployee
FullName                Level DescendantCount   EmployeeID
Roberto Tamburello      0     1                 3
Roberto Tamburello      1     7                 3
Roberto Tamburello      2     5                 3
David Bradley           0     1                 6
David Bradley           1     8                 6
JoLynn Dobney           0     1                 7
JoLynn Dobney           1     6                 7

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